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How to Attain High Productivity While Working from Home

By Janson Tan · 29th September, 2017

How to Attain High Productivity While Working from Home | EasyStore
No matter you are entrepreneur,self-employed or perhaps you’re just lucky enough to enjoy work anywhere and anytime due to your kind boss - Working away from office is an incredible experience after all.
“Enjoy working in your casual wear, own hours and anywhere” is what every people’ve dreamed of. As all of these settings are so relaxing, you might be less productive compared to the standard working environment. So what are the ways that we can take to avoid the drop in working efficiency while maintaining the luxury freedom? 
In fact, working from home experience can be largely different for everyone. Therefore, the most important thing is to understand that the reasons behind the tips here and boost our productivity as much as possible. 
Dress Up ! 
 “ What you wear has a profound effect on your productivity. In general, formal clothes make you more confident and more comfortable clothes make you more relaxed, but that’s not the whole story. Your clothes also profoundly impact a person’s impression of you, change the way you feel about yourself, can motivate you to ‘get out there’, and a whole lot more. “ - Chris Bailey, A Life Of Productivity
The images above show the reverse engineering technique from the biggest findings of the experiments. Always start with something that you want to accomplish then work backward to what mindset you’ll need to get there, and pick the outfit that able to create the mindset for you. 
Separate out the workspace and personal space
Before dress up, we need to wake up from the comfy bed and move ourself into the workspace. It’s  very important to build a simple workspace at home, and here’s an quick idea - room divider
The space concept here included the time element too. If we are working from home in long terms, it’s good to setup the parameters between the works and personal life. For instances, making the working schedule clear to everyone, so that they will only bother us once the urgency level is high. Since we are not tied to the corporate operation structure, we are free to give ourselves some rewards like extra tea time as well as nap time. A good routine will keep you high productivity, high efficiency and low stress working life. 
However, some days even the deadline is near but every settings doesn’t seem like help in boosting ourselves at all. Then we might consider to work from somewhere else such as coffee shop, library and event get into the co-working space. This ways will give you a break for the life at home and perhaps spark some great idea or inspiration for your works too. 
Prepare well, Eat well
Most probably for those work from home, we will need allocate times to cook the food ourselves. In order to avoid spending too much time at the kitchen where you should be doing the works, it’s advisable to make some advance mealprep in bulk quantity and pack them into tupperware for easy cook, reheat, or serve instantly for the whole week long. 
In case you are the freaking lazy or having terrible sense of cook, please don’t waste the energy and time to learn from zero. However, this doesn’t mean that you would starve for the working life from home as there’s a lot of services for getting the prepared food on demand such as UberEAT and dahmakan

While these good habits sound so convincing when we played them into practise, it’s still important to explore what actually make you more productive personally. Moreover, it’s also worth to try out different working environment to see what sort of settings do you work best in. Definitely, the new good habits would take some time and efforts for you to get used to, but it really does pay off in the long run. 