4 Types of Social Media Content Ideas

By Karyan Lee · 21st December, 2017

4 Types of Social Media Content Ideas | EasyStore

If you are having your own online store, you know that having a social media platforms for your business is essential- for brand awareness and more inbound traffic. To maintain our brand's social media presence, we need to ensure we have fresh content to produce and it is engaging/ relatable to our audience. Take a look on below's social media content idea, you may be inspired and could put them into action today. #Visual Micro-Content Visual micro-content refers to having your content short, understandable and presented in visual form. It also means visualizing information. You might need to consider visual micro-content when: 1) You want to break out from the usual social media content with just a visual and long content, that might lose audience's interest in 3 seconds. 2) Present your product in a visual form with highlighted information that allow your customers to understand easily. 3) Present statistic and data in a fun way, instead of being formal. Visual micro-content helps a lot in educating your customers about your product and it will eventually help them in making purchase decisionIt also can be presented in the form of infographic, periodic table, venn diagrams, or trend maps. Sample 1 (Source) #Interactive Posts Interactive posts like polls, live video, game related content such as crossword, maze, or guess the object. Posts like these help to increase active engagement and  trigger passive fans into active fans. Having interactive posts help your brand to understand your customers better and having closer relationship with them. Not only that, interactive posts allow brand to have better click-through-rate and conversions. A research found that found that “interactive content such as apps, assessments, calculators, configurators, and quizzes generate conversions moderately or very well 70% of the time, compared to just 36% for passive content. Sample (Source) #Tips& Tricks/ News Show your customers about tips/ tricks about your product or tips that related to your industry that provide value or insights that inspire them.

On another note, sharing trending news or news that related to your industry is another great idea as people love to be in the first to know and to be kept in loop. Sharing news related to your industry allow your brand to have a say and provide information that's educational/ insightful to your audiences. #Re-posting Reviews/ Testimonials From Customers Reviews/ testimonials are considered one of the most powerful content marketing strategies. A research has reported that by posting reviews, it helps to increase 200% of leads. Reviews and testimonials help your customers to know your brand better and develop more trust to purchase from you! Of course, to have your customers giving you reviews or testimonials, you will need to nurture and educate them about your products, thus encouraging them to give review. Conclusion Of course, not all of these social media content ideas would suit your brand. You will need to do trial-and-error to test which suit your target audience better by monitoring the reach and engagement. And if you found the type of social media content that suits your brand, do let us know!
