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Benefits Of Building Customer Relationship

By Eric Lian · 3rd October, 2018

Benefits Of Building Customer Relationship | EasyStore

In 1922, the founder of car manufacturer Henry Ford once said his customers could buy a car painted in any color they want “so long as it is black”. That sentiment perfectly captures the marketing thinking of that period—a time when businesses held the position of power over the customer.

Today, that line of thinking isn’t just obsolete—it’s also dangerous. The customer is firmly in charge, thanks to a confluence of social, mobile and cloud technologies. And as many business leaders are learning, the empowered customer won’t hesitate to abandon brands that refuse to listen and engage. 

Organizations nowadays have shifted their focus on customer satisfaction over time, the result has been the creation of customer relationship management ( CRM ), the process of establishing long-term relationships with individual customers to foster loyalty and repeat business.  

As the saying goes, it is easier to keep a customer than to acquire a new one. Personalizing the experience is one of the vast ways to get it done. Together with other effective ways combined, good CRM will be easy to achieve. 

CRM helps businesses build a relationship with their customers and, in turn, create repeat business for them. The following of this piece will illustrate the benefits it brings to businesses. 

Getting sales

A CRM system consists of a historical view and analysis of all the acquired or to be acquired customers. With this information, you will be able to know what to offer them.  It also reduced the time to search and correlate your customers, which eventually allows you to foresee customers' needs effectively for your business. 

Offered the right product to the right customers

This is significant to businesses because one of the most effective ways of building a relationship is for them to remember you. CRM contains details of the customers that allow you to track their purchase history. Therefore, you will be able to offer the right product to the right customer, at the right time. The personalization will definitely increase more conversion in your website.  

Grouping customers together

In a CRM system, customers are grouped according to different aspects according to the type of business they do or according to the physical location and are allocated to different customer managers often called account managers. This helps in focusing and concentrating on each and every customer separately. 

Suitable for online businesses

One of the major benefits is that CRM is much easier to do it on online businesses. All the details in the CRM system are kept centralized which is available anytime at the fingertips. This reduces the process time and increases productivity. Besides, it is even easier to manage all these data with devices. That is why it is more beneficial for an online business owner. 

In a nutshell, CRM helps you develop a good relationship with your prospective customers as well as current customers. With this, you will be able to generate new sales and repeat sales.