EasyStore GST Tax Module Built-In
By Fadila Aziz · 19th December, 2014

As we know by 1st April 2015, a new tax will be implemented, this tax known as Goods & Service Tax (GST). This tax aims to bring more income to the Government as one of alternatives to provide more benefit to people.
News had spread, we keep wondering on how this new tax will give an impact to our lives and business, its good surprise to be waiting for. As merchant , your ultimate aim is to serve your customer better. This will include on how to letting your customer know that you charging them also on how to calculate this tax to your product posting. This doesn't only involve the calculation but it will involve the reaction also.
As a merchant it compulsory to have a system with tax calculation ready. A system which is efficient and also complete. A System that can help to calculate the GST tax automatically.
Here comes the good news, EasyStore have this tax module built into their system. Provide system which is convenient and effective for a merchant was always EasyStore ultimate aim. By having this system built-in, it allows a merchant to add the tax from their end, either its GST ,custom tax or other type of tax. It's easy as 1 2 3, add in the name of the tax and the percentage, the system will help to calculate the tax amount automatically based on selling price and stated it in the customer invoice.
Lets have a sneak peek on this built-in system:
How it look on customer invoice:
How merchant create it from EasyStore built-in system:
Simple and complete is the perfect word to describe the system!. Only need to set up one rules which implement to all product posting. Check out EasyStore now.